SHATTERPROOF BOND SERIES by Isobel Starling ~ #MMromance #GuestPost #RecapTour

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Unquietly Me welcomes author Isobel Starling for the Shatterproof Bond Series recap tour!


The Shatterproof Bond Series - Sizzling Romance, Laughter and Adventure.

The Shatterproof Bond series tells the story of Scotsman Declan Ramsay and Englishman Sam Aiken and how they fell madly in love.  But falling in love was just the beginning of their journey together.

Sam and Declan meet at their sibling’s wedding, at a Scottish castle, where they were to share best man duties.  Declan’s life before Dunloch Castle had been in free fall.  Professionally, the thirty-two-year-old Scotsman was ahead of the game.  He worked for Aiken Luxury Lettings, (A.L.L) where he managed Sir James Aiken’s property portfolio, and enjoyed the perks that schmoozing with the rich and famous offered.  However, Declan’s private life was a mess.  He was a serial dater, commitment-phobic, and had never been in a relationship last for more than three months.

Sam Aiken, James’s twenty-three-year-old son, had been in the Middle-East studying Linguistics and interpreting for his father’s foreign property deals.  Declan’s only contact with Sam before the wedding was through email.  However, on meeting the blond, slender, and devilishly mischievous Sam Aiken, Declan could not deny his compulsive attraction.  Swiftly Sam Aiken became everything Declan never knew he wanted.  His best friend, lover, and sidekick.

“As You Wish” is available for FREE on Amazon, and is a #2 bestseller in Gay romance.  I have released two more “Shatterproof Bond” novels in the past few months, and there will be at least three more books.  The stories are a rollercoaster of sizzling romance, mystery, adventure, and comedy.  “Illuminate the Shadows” follows on directly from the end of “As You Wish” and hot on its heels, the next book “Return to Zero” is also out.  Sam and Declan’s love is so strong it will squeeze at your heart and make you laugh and cry at the same time.  If you need more convincing to give the series a try, just check out the reviews.

©Isobel Starling 2016


Author: Isobel Starling

Series Buy Links: Amazon US | Amazon UK | All Romance


As You Wish (Shatterproof Bond #0.5)

1 wedding, 2 best men, one hell of a love story!

This contemporary M/M romantic comedy is set at the Scottish castle wedding of Annabelle Aiken to Scotsman Oliver Ramsay. Oliver’s brother Declan is to be joint best man, sharing the duties with Annabelle’s ‘kid’ brother, Samuel Aiken. However, both men have never actually met. Sam Aiken has been abroad, studying and working as an interpreter and he wouldn’t meet Declan until a few days before the wedding. But on meeting Sam Aiken, Declan is surprised to realize the ‘kid’ isn’t a kid at all, but a tall, blond, and athletic young man. Sam makes Declan laugh like no other, and Declan is alarmed by the ferocious attraction he begins to feel for Sam. And as the attraction is reciprocated, the events at Dunloch Castle change everything Declan has ever believed about himself.

But is Samuel Aiken all that he appears to be?


Illuminate the Shadows (Shatterproof Bond #1)

In this M/M comedy thriller we continue where “As You Wish” ended.

The charming, mysterious Samuel Aiken has turned Declan Ramsay’s life upside down and Declan has experienced a remarkable change. He has come to terms with the fact he is bisexual, and he has fallen head-over- heels in love with his employer’s son. However, falling for his boss’s son was never going to be an easy path to happiness, mainly because the boss in question is multi-millionaire property tycoon and former MI5 operative, Sir James Aiken. Sir James is repulsed by his son’s homosexuality, and the lovers cannot hide from his looming presence for long. Soon enough James makes his move, and Declan finds out what he will have to endure to stay with Sam, and what he will have to give to feel worthy of Sam’s love.


Return to Zero (Shatterproof Bond #2)

Pulled into a world of secrets and lies for the man he loves, Declan Ramsay’s life has changed immeasurably in the eight months since meeting, and falling for Sam Aiken. Declan journey of personal discovery is about to take a darker turn, and for Sam, the world becomes more treacherous than he could ever have imagined. Two A.L.L employees are missing — presumed dead, while at an outdoor adventure centre in the Scottish Highlands. Sir James Aiken sends his son and Declan to follow the trail, and discover their fate. Declan is keen to get started. However, Sir James sees to it that seeds of doubt and discord have been sewn between the couple. The journey to their Highland location, and the discoveries they make when they reach the G’wan Adventures centre, prove that Sir James Aiken has been less than honest with his son. Events in the Highlands force Sam and Declan to face their greatest fears, and understand what they both really want from life — and from each other.


About Isobel Starling

Copy of Isobel Starling avatar2 Inspiration strikes at the strangest of times.

Born in Germany, I spent most of my twenty-year professional career making art. I relocated to the UK and, faced with the dreaded artist’s creative block, I started to write and found I loved it more than making art.

My first novel “Schonling” was a best seller in the GLBT-Bisexual genre on the ‘AllRomance eBooks’ site. I have just completed my sixth book, and am writing my seventh and eighth books consecutively. I have recently signed French translation rights for the whole Shatterproof Bond series. The first book in the series As You Wish will be published in France in October 2016, a year after its original release.

I adore the M/M genre. I enjoy writing about wounded souls and the complexities of personal relationships. Despite not having found proof yet, I believe in love at first sight and endeavour to give my M/M characters a thrilling journey and a satisfying ending.

Website with blog and reviews:

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